Friday, May 27, 2005


I watched the season finale of "Desperate Housewives" with the same guilty pleasure I have enjoyed all season. This may be a soap opera, mindless, poorly written, or another 20 adjectives that the critics use to express their dismay but I gotta tell you for me it is the best intersection of black humor, mystery, and just plain fun on t.v. The only show in my mind that might have the same possibilities is "Grey's Anatomy"but it's too early to tell on that one.
I love to watch interesting/entertaining t.v. I don't consider it a mindless waste of time or a frivolous use of time. It is entertainment pure and simple and if my idea of entertainment is different than yours - there's something for everyone. At work I deal with people all day long who are in the throes of various difficulties. And then there are the just cranky ones who make life difficult. And don't forget the sweet ones who love to drop by and chat for hours while I'm trying to type the Sunday bulletin. Admittedly, these are small problems in the world but it's fun to forget about them when I go home and tune in to shows like "Desperate Housewives." I don't watch t.v. 7 nights a week, I don't even watch every Sunday. But to be able to check out once in a while is great. My husband and I have a running debate about this because his idea of the best t.v. is all things sports, which could be a 24 hour a day deal. He insists that sports has a greater value than the shows I watch because it is "real." Also, stupid, macho, and steroid driven, but hey who am I to be a critic. He watches his stuff, I watch mine. And never the two shall meet, although I did catch him watching Housewives one night when he was surfing but I think it was because Eva Longoria was in the bathtub. He would agree that in addition to sports, sex will always get his attention, for real or on t.v.
In my youth I loved to use artificial means for checking out, the specifics to remain known only to me and a few close friends, but in the wisdom of advancing age I no longer partake of anything stronger than a very occasional glass of wine. For me the fun of a well written t.v. show serves the same purpose (well almost), it provides a break from everyday reality, and I don't even have to wake up feeling yucky. Some would call me shallow. Perhaps.
But I deal with the same realities the deeper thinkers of the world are dealing with. I know about the crisis in Darfur, the war in Iraq, the Bird Flu in China, the crisis in Social Security, the Real Estate bubble. I am charitable to those in need, work in my church's food pantry, write letters to my Congress people, read the papers, wring my hands, shake my head, recycle my trash, and watch my fossil fuel consumption. There's more in the world to cry over than to laugh about. But isn't it great to have the opportunity to laugh. Doesn't it feel good to have those belly laughs. I don't want to lose the ability to see the fun in life, to enjoy the fantasy, to participate in pleasurable activities.
I think it's what I hate about the conservatives. They are so serious. Actually, the liberals too. Everything is a crisis, a reason to despair, a fight waiting to happen. Can't we all just chill out? There is no indication that our overzealous, hyperactive, argumentative, confrontational, sky is falling dramas are truly achieving anything more than pissing us all off. Or worse yet putting us all to sleep.
So for me, some t.v. is an antidote to desperation. Maybe the "housewives" need to watch more of it. If one or two hours a week of escape helps me do more and be better the rest of the time then I'm all for it. Perhaps I am just part of the brave, new world, where people escape into their soma driven fantasies but I prefer to think that moderation, in all things including escape, is the best way to remain effective and happy. For those of you who agree, do you think Mike is going to get shot? And for the rest of you, if you don't know who Mike is tune in next season and you'll find out.