Wednesday, November 21, 2012


"Joy to the world, all the boys and girls, joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea, joy to you and me"

I was reading this story about the Israelites being led through the Red Sea and freed from their bondage in Egypt. A story of emancipation. And by the time their "freedom" was 3 days old they were complaining; thirsty, tired, want to go back, bored, scared, etc. etc. This joyful celebration of release from bondage lasted 3 days. 3 days. And I'm thinking that it's not really too surprising.

Not so surprising I guess. When you think about it when was the last time that you felt JOY? The grab you by the ass, laughing, loving the world, hugging everyone JOY. Or the quiet, peaceful, contented, deep in your heart JOY that surpasses all understanding. Or the amazed, awed, wonderment of creation JOY.

You remember that picture of the sailor kissing the girl on the streets of New York at the end of WW II? Can you feel that JOY? You wonder if he held on to that joy or if he got over it in 3 days and went back to a dull, boring, not so joyous life. Did he remember that kiss, or freedom from the horror of war, or the amazement of victory over evil, when he was sitting quietly at his kitchen table? Did his heart warm and his eyes well up as he let the joy take him?

I believe in God and I believe that God is. And having said that I wonder where the JOY is in that? This God who has promised to walk with us, this God who has appeared again and again when no one expected God. This God who sent his Son to become at-one with us, for us. And I ask myself why this knowledge of this God is not enough to ignite JOY in my heart every day, this God who is the source of all that I believe to be holy and true. Is my loss of JOY due to lack of faith, or hope or love?