Monday, March 07, 2005

The tIDES of March

Yesterday was this gorgeous spring day, I walked around the yard to see what was poking out of the dead leaves, saw day lillies and daffodils coming up, and a little tiny crocus peering out at me from it's bed. Today, cold, rainy, grey shit!! So once again we talk about the weather. Bert would say it's not a good day to wash the car - right (rawt)!

March is such an unsettled month, no wonder Caesar couldn't survive it. In March you hope for spring and dread winter. In March you are in the midst of lenten barrenness and the hope of Easter. March is the time when you get a cold or the flu that you thought you had managed to miss this year. Steve and Ellen and Lana would definitely say right (rawt) to that ! March is when you start thinking about swim suits and wearing the bulkiest clothes you have to hide your winter fat. March lasts 31 days and feels like 31 years.

It's not surprising that Pisces is a March sign, do you know any one who is a Pisces? "Their natures tend to be too otherworldly for the practical purposes of living in this world as it is. They sometimes exist emotionally rather than rationally, instinctively more than intellectually."( I'm certainly not saying anything against Pisceans but you can see that March works on them too. It's hard to be practical "in this world as it is" when you are born in March. March is slippery, it keeps you guessing, you can't get a hold of March. Of course March ends with Aries, do you know any of them? "The spring equinox, March 21, is the beginning of the new zodiacal year and Aries, the first sign, is therefore that of new beginnings. The young ram is adventurous, ambitious, impulsive, enthusiastic and full of energy. " ( And there you have it, early March makes you otherworldly, by the end of March life starts anew with ambition, advenure, and enthusiasm. Tha's March for you. It starts out dragging you down and ends rolling out glorious new life.

The transition from winter to spring, from old to new, from blah to ah ha. That's what March is all about. March music is the blues on one end "It's so cold up north, that a bird can hardly fly Well it's so cold up north, that a bird can hardly fly" (Muddy Waters - "Cold Up North") and Rogers and Hammerstein on the other, "Oh, what a beautiful mornin', Oh, what a beautiful day. I got a beautiful feelin' Ev'rything's goin' my way." ("Oh What A Beautiful Morning" - from Oklahoma).

In New Orleans there is an Easter parade that has a transvestite parade marshal and the jazz bands are playing up and down the streets and the children come out in their beautiful Easter clothes with their Mothers and Fathers in their Easter best and the parade marshal is dressed in her/his most glorious dress and hat and throws candy to the clamoring children. And that's March, some crazy combination of up and down, hot and cold, gay and straight, happy and sad. March is a crazy quilt of all our inconsistencies, a patchwork of grey, dreary clouds surrounded by riotous color and sound.

So if you are sitting in the window seat watching it snow, or rain, or if the gloom of night is falling on this early March night look a little harder for not so far in the distance you will see the pink of dawn and the sound of saxophones. If the days are still too short and the nights too long look more closely at the horizon, you can see the first flame of awakening. March is when we die, are reborn, and rise again.