Monday, February 28, 2005

Snow Day - Time Goes So Slowly

There is four inches of wet, heavy snow blanketing the ground and, as is the case in this part of the state, when it snows everything stops. So it is very quiet here at work and the only phone calls are from people asking how the roads are since I'm here. "Up north" this would not even constitute a snow day, schools would be open, stores would be busy, and cars would be zipping along without hesitation. Of course, I have learned not to express these thoughts out loud because they immediately tag me as "not from around here." Which sort of goes without saying since I don't talk right (rawt). I have always tried hard to fit in wherever I'm at but it's hard when the moment you speak you blow your cover. I have even gone so far as to try to talk like the natives but somehow it just sounds stupid not right (rawt).

On another note - did you catch Chris Rock last night on the Oscars. I thought I would die when he compared George Bush's job to someone working at the Gap. Along the lines of: if you went to balance your cash register and had a 7 trillion dollar deficit - your ass would be fired. Even funnier the war between Gap and Banana Republic and when they took over Banana Republic they discovered they didn't even have toxic tank tops. OMIGOD - it was too funny.

And so the time ticks along and the work is taking a back seat to the snow and I still can't talk right (rawt) but by golly that Chris Rock has got it so right (rawt). I mean who ever heard of a guy getting rehired for a job he has totally and completely blown, no wonder the CEO's of the big corporations think they can get away with inefficiency and lying for God's sake, POTUS gets away with it, and he's president. So I'm thinking that you lead by example but maybe that's not such a good thing to do anymore unless your leadership style is to lie, cheat, steal, and generally screw up everything you touch. Right! (Rawt!). My blogging friend, Ellen, says "Frankly, I don't trust any leader who makes me think he's going to say "LIVE FROM NEW YORK IT'S SATURDAY NIGHT" every time he opens his friggin' mouth." That's about the smirk, if you haven't noticed it. So what gives with a guy who smirks everytime he talks about hurting people? Obviously, he's not from around here.

So I'm saying, "Chris Rock for President," at least he knows it's wrong to lie and steal. That's a big step up from where we are at now. And besides isn't it about time we gave someone who isn't white, male, and old a chance to step up. I am so sick of the establishmentarianism I can't even tell you. So, maybe in this case, not being from around here would be a good thing. At least he might have the sense to do things right (rawt).