Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Social Insecurity

Steve, a blogging friend I've never met, is worried about the state of the union in regard to social security. He, rightfully, is concerned that his social security will be cut by George W. and that he will have less to live on. Frightening thought as you approach the time in your life when you may not be able to earn income. As I watch my friends age and see those wrinkles in the corners of my own eyes and the hairs sprouting from my chin and thinning on my head I know that the time will come when I will no longer be climbing the employment ladder but sliding down it's rungs, one slow step at a time, to end up sitting on my ass with no earthly way to get back up. I have considered applying for the "help, I've fallen and I can't get up" spot. I may still be a little young for that but it probably pays well. Then there's the old guy in McDonald's who wipes the tables, pours coffee, and offers conversation. Probably not high paying but at least you get to meet the public. In Florida, it's popular for the old guys to bag groceries at Publix. You can find at least one in every Publix, the good ones are genial and concerned for your eggs. The bad ones snarl, snap, and throw your bags in the cart with little regard for them or you. I haven't seen any bag ladies though - we ought to form our own union - bag ladies of Publix unite!! I'm sure the wage is fair but it might be annoying to have to work the same shift with the curmudgeon, then again if you end up next to the sweet guy who gently lays your eggs in the top of the cart - who knows - paycheck today, date tomorrow. A friend swears the only reason old people don't have more affairs is because they are all afraid to take their clothes off in front of another person. Well - I can't imagine why that would be. I'm afraid to take mine off in front of myself! I see quite a few older women working behind cash registers, we are probably more trustworthy than the average 16 year old. Then again, if the government has to keep cutting social security and increasing the cost of medicare the average 16 year old may start looking like a better risk. I guess there probably isn't an age limit for car sales people, and I've noticed that the pool of realtors is growing by leaps and bounds. My father always said the only people who get paid exactly what they are worth are sales people. So for some of us selling stuff might be the answer then again, do you really want to know exactly what you are worth? I've also noticed that casinos seems to be a cottage industry for the elderly. Sitting at a slot machine is almost the perfect job, you get to sit, someone brings you free drinks, the symbols on the machine are in bold, and you can work day or night. Of course, it might be a little problem that you have to supply the start up money with little guarantee of a return. But then again that's entrepreneurship, no wonder there are so many of them in those casinos. I have noticed though that it isn't a job that provides much companionship, no one says much to the person next to them so I guess it might be best to be asocial.

Heck, why are we worrying, there's lots of jobs out there. Who needs government support. Why we can probably work all the way to our graves or the nursing home. I think Steve has greatly exaggerated the state of the state. Remember, the gray panthers, I'm thinking Steve might have a future as the leader of the new millenium gray panthers. I'm thinking that he could help save our social security, our dignity, and our arthritic joints. The only problem is that I'm not sure how well it would pay. But I'll be the first to sign up to follow.