Thursday, February 17, 2005

Does anyone really know what time it is

Does anyone really care - about time. Time enough for crying, time enough for dying - time.

It's been a long day at the circle K. Talking, talking, talking. I'm all talked out. It's harder to figure out yourself than anyone else. I'm so good at understanding others but buddy when it comes to me - UGH. I just can't get it. Sometimes it feels like a weight on my shoulders, this need to understand, to figure it out, to get it.

I am so tired of working on it and not finding the answer to the question. Does anyone really know what time it is because I sure don't. Is it time to stay, time to go. Time to laugh, time to cry. Often I think it's just time to shut up. This pressure to have the answer is a pain in the ass.

And so I wait. The long and winding road - I'm on it - can't find my way back home. Our minister asked the kids in church Sunday if they had ever thrown bread crumbs out to find there way back when they went on a hike. My bread crumbs have been devoured by crows and there ain't no path to follow. I hope I don't end up in the witches oven!

And so I hope. Hope that tomorrow will be a quieter day, hope that the road goes on forever and the party never ends, hope that I am not destined to be stew meat for a witch. Too tired to finish, too tired to start. To sleep perchance to dream..............