Sunday, July 22, 2007


The plants in the garden are in full bloom and the dying blossoms droop as new ones come out in full riotous color. One little leaf falls from the tall poplar, yellow and dying while the rest of the canopy is greener and fuller than ever before. As the small leaf winds it's way to the ground I am reminded that before long the fall days will come and more and more leaves will swirl towards the earth. We will rake them into piles and the dogs will jump into them and be buried up to their snouts in the dying fodder of another summer's passing. The leaves not yet fallen will create a gorgeous riot of fall yellows and oranges and reds and they too will drop. Before the last one touches down the first snow may touch the ground and everything will sleep as winter wraps it's arms around the land. All will be hushed and quiet and the noises of summer; the laughter of children swimming in the pond, the birds swooping in for seed for their babies, the buzzing of the hummers as they fight over their feeding spots, the crackle of thunder and the heat of lightning will pass away. Sleep, quiet restful sleep will come over the land and while we rest the world will prepare for it's next spring, it's next summer. Familiar plants will once again bloom and new ones will appear as if from no where, fruit will blossom and vegetables sprout. The cycle begins again. Some of us will die in the days in between and some will be born. There will be sorrow and joy. We are assured that what passes will come again in a new way and then it too shall pass away. Days will pass into night and night into day and the earth breathes.